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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Projection TV Forum:
toshiba 51H83 colors not mixing



New User

Dec 26, 2012, 10:51 PM

Post #1 of 1 (1645 views)
toshiba 51H83 colors not mixing Can't Post

I have a Toshiba 51H83 that needed to have the screens replaced. I was able to locate the front screen and the back screen (which I believe is the fresnel, yes... the one with the round ridges going outward?), but have yet to locate the middle screen, which I believe is the lenticular screen (the one with the up and down ridges... it was originally darker in color.

anyway, for giggles, I decided to see what would happen with just rear screen and the front screen. I didn't install the front screen b/c the corner was broken off and I'm having to send it back. So, I'm down to one screen. The Colors don't mix at all. Depending on your angle you see a red, green, or blue image. Thinking I may have installed the screen backwards, I turned it over, but the problem persists. Is my problem the lack of the middle screen? I don't think this is a convergence issue as the picture is great, no oddly colored ghosting, just distinct color separation. Perhaps I'm wrong.

any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm having a heck of a time locating the middle screen. Will any lenticular screen work, or will it be manufacturer specific?


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