Apr 10, 2020, 6:44 PM
Post #2 of 3
Re: [Ronniethrock] Samsung 60" no back light
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Many Samsung TVs had a built-in test for ONLY the backlights. Whenever the Main Board to Power board cable was unplugged (either end), the backlights would fire up (and stay fired up) for as long as the cable was unplugged. BN44-00775A
PLEASE NOTE: The LED strips (part number BN96-29074A/BN96-29075A) in the models listed are prone to failure. If this board does not fix the problem with your TV, it is likely that you have defective LED strips. Power supply and LED strips failures cause similar symptoms in these models. Since Samsung liked to ship out their sets with the backlight intensity at Maximum, backlight failure is a COMMON failure. ------------------------- Location: Far, Far Away