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Feb 14, 2022, 5:00 PM
Post #1 of 1
Samsung led wrong firmware installed
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I instaled wrong firmware on samsung led tv Then i found the right firmware and instaled on tv by usb stick But i noticed that tv model is changed when checking in menu . And some of sound menu commands are changed too Tryed reseting to factory settings nothing changed Tryed it throught service mode also nothing happen I dnt know what to do i was reading about reseting and eprom reseting but dnt know if it will help . Any solution to let tv recognise correct model back Note correct tv model is UA40EH6000R Please find attached photos [url=https://postimg.cc/sMbtrNm1] [url=https://postimg.cc/LJPxz6k6][url=https://thesawmillgrill.com/]hampstead diner menu [url=https://postimg.cc/mhrVmS3n] [url=https://postimg.cc/FfmV3bsD]