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Jul 28, 2020, 8:55 PM
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Panasonic 60" Partial Black on left side
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My daughter's 60" Plasma recently was hit by a lightening surge on the cable line. Initially dead, I found and ordered an A board, which I read was probably damaged. Replaced it yesterday with one I found online. The TV comes on, screen looked great for a bit and then about 10" of the screen on the left side goes all black. At first thought it might be a Format setting. Made sure it was in Full. Plus on occasions that section will start working for a short time. Tried a full reset of the A board, no change. Looking for any ideas whether the A board is faulty or one of the SC or SD boards I think they are labeled. All functions seem to work otherwise. And it doesn't seem to be a full third of the screen. Panasonic Viera TC-P60ST60 Lightening surge on Cable line Main Board replaced - not new TPNH10451A