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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Lg tv keeps blowing power supplies



New User

Feb 25, 2023, 6:29 PM

Post #1 of 1 (408 views)
Lg tv keeps blowing power supplies Can't Post

Hi all. I have a broken lg tv model 55uj635v that is puzzling me.
It stopped working one day and the stand by light was just flashing 3 times when you tried to turn it on. According to lg this 3 flash means a faulty part supply. So I looked at the power supply, tested a few bits, couldn't find the issue. Fuse still good.
I looked on eBay and someone was selling used power supplies for that model for peanuts so I bought one. Replaced it. Tv works. Crashes a bit so factory reset it but still crashed a bit. After about 30 min switched off and gave me the 3 flashing lights for a faulty power supply again.
So I bought another £3 power supply to test against the faulty ones but couldn't find and differences.
Fitted it and tv worked again. But after 30 min, 3 flashing lights for a faulty power supply again.
I can't figure out what can be doing this to the power supply or why its crashing a bit when I switch it on with a new power supply.
I have already replaced the tv but am trying to save this one from landfill and use it as a learning exercise.
Anybody have any idea what might be happening please?
I will try to upload some pics.
Thanks alot for any help you can offer and the time you give up doing so.


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