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Dec 11, 2024, 9:58 AM
Post #1 of 1
OLED 55 does not open :(
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Hello guys, I have a LG TV OLED55C9PLA and it does not start at all. The only sign that is alive is some vertical colored lines on the right side of the screen that appeared at the beginning and that's it. After that black screen. I have shared a short video to understand better what I mean. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k41dudzh2jk44mcl98n3c/20241117_200414.mp4?rlkey=jkjrwo8qpwj1uhumeqcp2viko&st=dzfo6nnx&dl=0 If you have any experience from such problem please help me to fix it. Thanks in advance.