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Mar 5, 2024, 9:15 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: [PeteJG] Toshiba 65U2963DB - boot loop?
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Ok quick update, I think I've found the problem ... The set works perfectly all day from aerial or any HDMI feeds but crashes reliably after about 10-15mins or so (haven't timed it accurately tbh) if you start streaming through its own wifi link, going into an endless trip-restart loop with LED flashing red/green and no response to remote. Switch it off at the mains for only about 30secs or so, switch back on and it's all fine again forever, until you try wifi streaming again, whereupon the fault reliably reoccurs. This seems to me more like a firmware bug, switching it off for such a short time will allow for a clean cold-boot but won't let anything that might have got agitated cool down enough to start co-operating again? The firmware is up to date (so it says) so unless there's some way to roll it back to a previous version I don't know how to prove this? Any thoughts anyone?
(This post was edited by PeteJG on Mar 5, 2024, 9:37 AM)