New User
Jul 7, 2003, 3:59 PM
Post #1 of 1
Toshiba CF36G40 Squished during LBX DVD's only?
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I have searched the threads here and have already found a few older links with people have problems somewhat close to ours, but with different model Toshiba's, so I will post and see if it is the same issue. Let's be clear before we get going here... the post I saw said it was a "verticle something" chip... I've built computers and manage/support/configure Nortel/Cisco routers, but never worked on any TV's. We have a Toshiba 36" CF36G40 TV with one input. We have had it for about 4 years. We connect to it using the single SVHS input. Recently, whenever we feed it a letterbox signal from "any" DVD player, the picture squishes in and then back out and now once squished, it stays in until you change the signal to something non-letterbox. This problem does not occur on LBX movies on AMC or such. We ran just RCA video to it and it has the same problem. While the picture was squished, we connected it to another TV through both the SVHS and RCA jacks and the problem never occurred, this is what told us it was the TV, not the cable (which we changed several times) or the Kenwood THX Receiver we use. Any ideas on this? Is it fixable? Do you need more information? Thanks for any help in advanced.