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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Sonx 49XF9005 not powering on



New User

Dec 3, 2022, 3:16 PM

Post #1 of 1 (482 views)
Sonx 49XF9005 not powering on Can't Post

Hi. My Sony 49XF9005 is 2.5 years old. Last week I went to turn it on. The white light appeared at the bottom of the screen (the screen was blank) and ever since then it doesn't turn on at all. No lights anywhere. The power button at the back of the screen does nothing. I can't get any life out of it at all. I took the back of the screen and saw the APS-419 board. I saw that it was the PSU. I check the voltages leaving the board (12v, etc) and they all appeared to be correct. I still bought a replacement board and tried it, but still no signs of life at all. I don't know what else to try because the other boards seem a bit more complicated. Any suggestions on how to fix it are appreciated. Thanks.


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